

Hi friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. Today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine. As we all know that today is 3rd of july and this is the exact day when 23 years back from today one of the brave soldiers of our country lost his life while fighting for our country in the battlefield of kargil. He was none other than the PARAMVEER CHARKRA AWARDEE CAPTAIN MANOJ KUMAR PANDEY . And I feel very proud to say that he was an alumnus of our school. He was awarded the PARAMVEER CHARKRA for his bravery and courage. You will get to know more about him by reading this poem. So, here is my poem. Hope you all like it 🙂🙂. Let's go back to the time When the bravest of the braves was born, Who proved to be a shining star And a rose in the world of thorns. He has been the lantern of the wisdom way, Who lighted the path for us with gay, The man who motivates me everyday Is Captain Manoj Kumar Pandey. He motivates me to do many things, A lot of motivation to me he b


Hi friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. Today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine. I could not post my blogs since a long time because of some academic reasons and lack of time to compose poems. But today I could not stop myself from writing a poem and posting it on my blog. This poem describes how the thoughts of a person change to his dreams, dreams to aim, aim to passion and passion to reality. So here is my poem. Hope you all like it. One day when I was list in thoughts, A thought came to my mind. I thought about that again and again, And the thought left me a dream behind. The dream hit my mind at the daytime, It also did at nights. Soon it became the aim of my life, And my heart longed for its sight. My aim troubled me everytime, Whenever I wasted my time. This bond between my aim and me, Deepened and became prime. When my aim strikes my mind these days, I feel it has undergone expansion. 'cause when my deligence rose too much, My aim became


Hi friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine. First of all I would like to wish you all a VERY HAPPY HOLI in advance. You all must be knowing the reason why I was not active for such a long time. Therefore, I would like to apologise for that. As we all know that today is Holika Dahan and holi is about to start in no time, so I have brought a poem which is based on the festival of HOLI. So, here is my poem. Hope you all like it.☺️☺️ उत्सव है यह रंगो का खेल, खुशियां, उमंगों का संस्कृति, मिलाप और बोली का है उत्सव यह तो होली का। आसमान से रंग बरसता है उमंग दिलों में बसता है, यह होली एक त्योहार नहीं एकता की ओर एक रस्ता है। इस रंगीन दुनिया को रंगमयी करने को आती है बेरंग पड़े स्थानों को यह इंद्रधनुष सा सजाती है हर चेहरे को यह एक पुष्प की तरह खिलाती है यह खुशियों के संग आती है और खुशियां देकर जाती है। आओ मिलकर होली मनाएं  हर्ष एवं उल्लास के संग, फैला दें गलियों-गलियों में होली के यह पावन रंग। So, that was all


Hey friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I have a great news to announce that I have reached 4k views on my blogs. I am very happy and would like to thank you all for making this possible. So, today I have brought a poem composed by one of my friends, SHUBHI SHUKLA. As you all know that I have posted her poem earlier also and there were many views on that so here is her another poem. Hope you all like it. 🙂🙂 People keep asking  what they can take,  Do they ever extend  their hands for help to make.  A human, I think  has reached his worst,  Now he is on the verge to do anything  just to satisfy his thirst.  No one can predict  what can he do  even after living with him so long,  I don't know whether he knows  if he is doing right or wrong.  I sometimes wonder  how can one have so many face,  He cheats each and every  relation in disgrace.  Don't know how one  can be so fake,  He is so determined to dodge  that he doesn't even take a break.  What h

राम राज्य की ओर

Hey friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine. As you all must be knowing that I am so inactive on my blogs because of academics. I am having my exams coming soon and then class 10th will begin. So, please excuse the delay in blogs as I am not getting enough time to compose poems and write blogs. I recently composed a poem after a long time which I want to share with you all. So here is my poem.😊😊 Hope you all like it.☺️☺️ जो राम-राम जपते सदा, किंतु थक जाते नहीं। जिनकी रग-रग में हों राम बसे, पर देव कहलाते नहीं। राम नाम का पंख है, पर पक्षी बन जाते नहीं। शुद्ध भक्ति से माथा टेक लें, राम भक्त कहलाते वही। राम राज्य है जहां एक डोर सभी को जोड़ दे। एक-दूजे के लिए अपने सुकून को छोड़ दें। राम के चाहने से बाधाएं अपना रस्ता मोड़ दें। वह व्यक्ति भी व्यक्ति है क्या जो राम से नाता तोड़ दे। राम ही संस्कृति भी और वही पुराण और वेद हैं। राम हर व्यक्ति के जीवन का अनूठा भेद हैं। रामभक्ति से जो वंचित है उसे यह खेद है, की राम वह अंब

Happy Republic Day

HAPPY REPUBLIC DAY TO ALL!🇮🇳🇮🇳 Today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine which is dedicated to our motherland. So here is my poem ☺️ Hope you all like it. है भूमी यह बलिदान की, शौर्य, मान, सम्मान की, गुरुजनों के ज्ञान की, मातृ-पितृ भक्ति के स्थान की। परंतु सर्वप्रथम भारत माँ की भक्ति अपने भीतर समाए रखना, ऐ माँ तेरा मुझसे से ये रिश्ता बरसों तक बनाए रखना। जिसकी मिट्टी ने तुझे बढ़ाया है, जिसके झीलों ने तुझे पानी पिलाया है, जिसके खेतों का अन्न तूने खाया है, जिसके वीर-वीरांगनाओं की गाथाएं तू बचपन से सुनते आया है, उस भारत माँ का सदैव सृजन तुम सजाए रखना, ऐ माँ तेरा मुझसे ये रिश्ता बरसों तक बनाए रखना। जिस देश का परचम हमने सबसे ऊपर फहराया है, जिस देश की धरा पर स्वयं ईश्वर की छाया है, जिस देश की मिट्टी का मान लाखों के लहू ने बढ़ाया है, जिस देश के नागरिकों ने उसे माँ कह कर बुलाया है, उस देश की प्रगति के लिए तुम अपना पग सदैव बढ़ाए रखना, ऐ माँ तेरा मुझसे ये रिश्ता बरसों तक बनाए रखना। चाहे कितनी हों बाधाएं, चाहे कोई डराए या धमकाए, चाहे भूचाल बवंडर आए, चाहे कोई युद्ध ही छिड़ जाए


Hi friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine.  This poem is based on the small successes that we encounter frequently. In this poem when the successful person, who feels to be on the top of the world, looks below or looks at his past then he sees the struggles faced by him to reach there. When he looks around himself or at his present then he finds his reward for his success. But, when he looks up he finds nothing (niether sorrow nor life). The whole distance looked endless and plain. That was his future which was undecided and thus plain. He realises that the success that he had encountered was not the last one and still there was lot more for him to discover and achieve. I have also posted this poem on my Instagram account which I have made just a few days before. Please do follow me there to stay updated about my blogs and more.  CLICK HERE  to follow me on instagram and keep supporting. So, here is my poem. H


Hey friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new blog of mine, after a long time though. The reason for such a long break is nothing new but my academic duties.  So, in this blog I am going to share some of my memories and the incidents that took place in my life this year.  The year started with great pomp as usual. On 1st of january 2021 we welcomed the year in our own way (went to the mall near our house, Enjoyed the food there, etc).  On 26th of January, as we all know, it was republic day. And we celebrated the day in our society with cultural programmes. I have also shared how I celebrated republic day on my blog ( ). The months were passing by and finally we heard the news of the reopening of the schools. We were excited more than ever as we were about to go to the school after 10 months. We were doubtful whether the school will go on normally but it actually d


Hey there everyone! Hope you all are fit and fine. I know that I am here before time today as I have my badminton tournament tommorow due to which I won't get enough time to post my blog tommorow. So, today I am not here with a self composed poem of mine instead I am here with a poem composed by one my friends,  Shubhi Shukla. She is my classmate and thus asked me to post her poem on my blog. At the end I will also be adding a drawing made by her. I don't have much to introduce about this poem but I really hope that you all like it.  So, here is the poem.👇 Judge me by my strength Not by my body length. Judge me by my dare Not by my tear. Judge me by my pace Not by the beauty of my face. Judge me by my morality Not by my personality. Judge me by my brilliance Not by my appearance. Judge me by my dreams Not by my screams. Judge me by my act of kindness Not by my gorgeousness. Judge me by my feedback on my failure Not just by my behavior. Jugde me on what I am good at Not just fo


Hi friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine which is based on holocaust in Germany during the period between 1st world war and the 2nd world war. Holocaust was a malpractice followed by Hitler in which he did the mass killing of the Jews, the Gypsies, the dissables and everyone who seemed undesirable to him or went against him in the concentration camps which had gas chambers with showerheads through which a poisonous gas was released. It was a very bad malpractice that killed millions of innocent people including children, old people etc. He did not even let the news about this malpractice spread because of his control on media. These people were also illtreated by Hitler in their normal lives. So, without delaying let's start the poem. Long ago in Germany A man called hitler came, He came to power in 1933 And the chancellor of Germany he became. He had special hatred For the Gypsies and Jews, He made some


"Don't follow the path where you see enough light, instead walk on the dark lanes to brighten them with your deeds and become an inspiration for those who are unable to choose which path to walk on."                                             - Vatsala Shukla Yes, it's the truth that walking on the brighter path is easier as compared to the darker lanes. But the world remembers those who face the struggles and succeed at passing the crucial paths. Those are the only people who become an inspiration during their lifetime and even after their demise.  Though inspiration is the best bridge between us and success, there is also a barrier i.e demotivation. The people around us who are jealous of us being successful or even good keep on demotivating us either directly or indirectly. They always show to be our well-wishers but in reality they are not. But, the final decision making power rests with us. It will be our choice to get affected by their words. If we make a choic


Hello friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine. So this poem is based on the 1971 INDO-PAKISTANI WAR.   The war was an air strike by Pakistan on 11 indian air force stations. This poem highlights the greatness of the warriors who fought the war. I have not described the incidents that took place in the war instead I have explained the capability of the Indians  which enables them to deal with any situation. So here is my poem.✌️ Hope you all like it.😉 विजय का स्वर्णिम वर्ष पुनः है दस्तक देने आया, आज के दिन ही चाहा कुछ था पर शत्रु ने हमसे कुछ और ही पाया। अपनी पूरी ताकत से जब शत्रु रणभूमि में आया, तब भी हमने भारत का झंडा सबसे ऊपर था फहराया। जान की परवाह किए बिना था भारत माँ का मान बचाया, उन्हीं सैनिकों के लिए तो था यह भारत भी आगे आया। युद्ध में पाकिस्तान ने हमसे था मुहतोड़ जवाब पाया, तभी तो भारत देश हमारा विश्व में महान कहलाया। ऐसी महान गाथाएं बनती हैं भारत जैसे देशों में, जहाँ एकता बस्ती है भूल विविधताएं मजहब और


Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new blog. But before anything else I would like to apologise as it has been over a month since I uploaded my last blog. I was too busy with my school work, also I had my exams this month which have ended just yesterday that I couldn't get enough time to compose a poem or anything else.  But, It is not gonna continue any longer as tommorow I will be bringing a self composed poem at exact 9:00 pm. I know that it will be a bit late but I will be having my school in the morning due to which I won't be there at home at 2:00 pm. Till then stay tuned and don't forget to tell me in the comment section if you are excited for the blog coming up tommorow. Till then, Stay safe and healthy. Bye!!👋👋


Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new blog of mine in which I am going to tell you all how you can follow mine or other's blogs. You can do this in just six easy steps. 1. So, firstly you have to go to and sign in with your account. After doing so a page like this👇 will appear. Here, you all will find an option 'manage' on the top, beside the text 'blogger buzz'. I have shown it here👇 2. You have to click on that option. After doing so another page like this 👇 will appear. You will find an option 'Add' on the top right part of the page. I have shown it here 👇 3. You have to click on that option and after that another page like this 👇 will appear on your screen. 4. You have to type the URL of my blog in the text box given there. Like this 👇 5. After typing you have to click on 'Next'. After


Hello friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine. And I am really sorry for not uploading any blog last week. I was busy with my school work due to which I couldn't get enough time to compose a new poem but today I have brought the same. It is a short poem made up of three stanzas. So here is my poem. Hope you all like it 😉 After the dawn The sun will be in sight, After this darkness We will surely see some light, The day will be there After this night, So let's not wait And prepare for the flight. Whatever we discover In our lifetime, Is nothing else But itself the life, Mostly it is brute But sometimes as sweet as a Fife, But make this journey A thing that is rife. Life takes test To make us become wise, But if we fail We feel to be despise, We all should know That failure is just a surmise, We all realise ourselves When in the life we rise. So that was all about my poem. And I forgot to tel


" A teacher will teach you, guide you, inspire you and if required will scold you, But all that will help you to become a person of your own choice."                                           - Vatsala Shukla A teacher is present in many forms around us, firstly he is a teacher, then a guide, a wellwisher, a mentor, a friend and many other things that he is capable of being.  My poem for today is dedicated to all my teachers who made me the person I am. The stars that shine in the night sky Are not worthy of praise, In front of a wise teacher And his sparkling face. He shows the reality of the world And teaches to spread humanity, Everything in the world is small In front of his huge personality. If we look at the face of a teacher We will be able to read a book, That describes the journey of his life And the risks he took. Apart from the teachers in the school There are so many others present, Who teach us the values of the life And delight us with their presence. If the tea


Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine as promised in the last blog. Today I have written my poem in clear words and direct way so I don't think that there is any need to give the discription of the poem. I am sure that you all will understand by reading the poem itself. So, here is my poem. Hope you all like it 😉 One night while lying in the bed One question struck into my head, I started thinking about my aim And started thinking what lies ahead. Should I walk on the thorny path Aur is it ok to choose the sandalwood, I didn't know what is bad for me And neither did know for me what is good.  Then in my memory came my grandmother Who showered on me her blessings and morals, She once told me that life is a game And there's no interest in it to be floral. Those words of her Made me calm down, We should deal the situations the smartly Not with a bad frown. Going deep in my mind I finally got up fed


Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. I would really like to apologise for not uploading any blog since last three weeks. I was very busy with my school work because of which I couldn't get enough time to compose a new poem and so I am today also. But I couldn't stomach taking such a long pause that's why I decided to write a blog on 'how to compose poems' . You should have a deep thinking and you should try to get connected to the issues that matter to you as much as possible if you want to give your thoughts a poetic language. If you are concerned about the health issues of poor people than you should read articles written on it, see news reports of such issues, etc. There are so many other ways through which you can get information and updates in the particular field. After collecting enough knowledge you should give yourself some time either before going to bed or at any time of the day to think deeply about the issue and should catch some rhythm


Hey guys! Welcome to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with another blog. And if you are one of my friends then please respond in the comment section with your name as this blog is dedicated to you only. "Friendship is one of the greatest bonds that a person shares with many people in his life."                                                    - Vatsala Shukla A person is sometimes stuck between two situations of life and he feels uncomfortable in telling that to his elders. The person whom he leans on in such case is a friend. A person never hesitates to tell his feelings to a close friend as he thinks that he too is going through the same trouble. If I talk about myself then I will say that all my friends are not the same by behaviour. Some are shy, others are too bold, some others are really fearless But most of them are the funniest comedians to me. But one thing that is common in all of them is that they are the most irritating creatures present on t

जब मैंने चाहा जीने को

Hey friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed Hindi poem of mine. Many people personally asked me to prepare a blog in hindi and I too promised that in my last blog.  I have described the struggle, achievements and journey of an unsuccessful person towards success.  So here is my poem. Hope you all like it 🙂 दुनिया है संघर्षों भरी मुश्किल आँखों के सामने खड़ी, पर तैयार था समंदर पीने को जब मैंने चाहा जीने को। इधर नहीं तो उधर सही काबिल हूं मैं भी कहीं ना कहीं, मेहनत से लगाया सीने को जब मैंने चाहा जीने को। जब दुनिया ने ठुकराया था तब मन ने दुख को अपनाया था, गिना था बीते महीने को जब मैंने चाहा जीने को। जीना है तो दुनिया की छोड़ बोलने दे तू लोगों को, लोगों से मुंह मोड़, इसी सोच को अपनाया था जब मैंने जीना चाहा था। छोड़ पीछे अपना इतिहास निकला मैं करने और प्रयास, किस्मत को नज़र दिखाया था जब मैंने जीना चाहा था। यहां ना मिली सफलता तो क्या और भी हैं रास्ते उन्हें अपना, तब था चुना पसीने को जब मैंने चाहा जीने को।                          

The Green Revolution

Hello friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine.  This poem is based on green revolution and its impact on India's economy. Actually I composed this poem just yesterday for my entry in a competition organised by CBSE. I decided to post the same poem on my blog too. So here is my poem. Hope you all like it 🙂 If India has grown Throughout these years, It's all because of The challenges it bears, One of them Was the revolution that began, In the 1960s  By the attempts of a man. The man took the step To educate the folks, He taught the modern techniques To grow crops to all volks, What he taught then Is still recommended, Only all his ideas Have been a bit extended. India exports the crop That he taught to grow, It improved India's economy After it started long ago, India has became One of the largest producers of crops, Rice and wheat and pulses And vegetables sold in the shops. Our country's econom

Give Me A Glass Of Water To Drink

Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs and today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine. I know that it's a bit earlier than usual but I won't be free at 2:00 pm so I decided to post it right now. But this poem is gonna be a bit different from the others. In all the other poems of mine I use to directly come to the point means I simply write what I want to say but in this poem I have compared a playground to a battlefield and have described the efforts and the desires of a player in the form of a warrior. Here, the topic of the poem means that the player who plays for his country only wants a bit of appreciation and not so much expensive gifts so that he/she get motivated to do more and never get satisfied. If you have any confusion regarding the contents of this poem then you can ask me in the comment section and if you want a seperate blog explaining this poem line by line then also you can ask me in the comment section. So here is my

Let It Go!

Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. I am sorry for not posting the blog on time as I was busy playing and enjoying with my cousins and after that there was a sever powercut in the area where I currently am. But today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine in which I have described how one should face the crucial times or the tests that life takes on small or large intervals. So here is my poem ⬇️ Hope you all like it 🙂 When life tests you And pushes you down, Face it And don't breakdown. Don't worry and with life just flow, Think deeply and let it go. In the test of life You will either give up or win, Don't loose faith And the race you just begin. Climb up the best and don't look below, Keep doing efforts and let it go. Work harder and harder Until the test ends, Please your life With all your amends. These tests will help you, you should know, Give your best and let it go. All you can do Is always give your best, You don't have ri

An Elegy On The Death Of A Loved One

Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. And today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine in which I have tried another form of poetry i.e Elegy. In this form of poetry the poet expresess grief or sadness over a miserable incident like death in a poetic language. So here I have described an imaginative incident where a sailor dies for sadness of the death of his dog which his mother gave to him on his birthday. So here is the poem. Hope you all like it 🙂 Once there lived a sailor Who loved his pet, a dog, He sailed along with his dog and crew To export furniture and log. The dog was the man's childhood friend Which to him his mother gave, The dog was his mother's only sign Whom he always tried to save. Once on a journey His ship was caught, In a sea storm Which the rain had brought. Soon the storm was over But the ship lost its route, The ship wandered in the unknown sea And started lacking food. Soon the food was over And the crew on board was star

Happy Father's day

"A father will never show you his tears so that you stay strong and learn to cope with the hardest problems of life smilling."                                              - Vatsala Shukla A father loves his child more than infinity. The biggest fool of the world is the person who thinks that he can repay his father for the favours he has done. If anyone ever asks me about the person who taught me how to stand after every time I fall then I will surely take the name of my father. A mother will surely fight for her child first and then will teach her child how to fight but a father will never fight for his child until it's very serious instead he will teach his child how to fight from the world for his rights. A father is very soft hearted but he shows that he is steel hearted so that his child never adopt bad habits. A father cries every time in a corner when he beats or scolds you for some of your deeds as he too has a heart which melts away on the sight of the crying fa

Bonus Blog

Hey everyone out there! How are you all? Hoping the best of health for all of you. As promised I am here with a bonus blog of mine and this blog is gonna be a bit different from the others. I have tried a new form of poetry i.e acrostic for the first time. I usually wrote free verse and ballad but I decided to change the form of poetry to acrostic. Acrostic is a form of poetry in which the first letter of each line make a word or sentence when read all together which should be relevant to the content of the poem. So, you have to tell me what sentence is hidden in the first letter of each line of my poem in the comment section before seeing the answer at the end. So here is my poem Hope you all like it ☺️ P oems are the voice O f every poet living, E erywhere and on everything T hey can make it interesting. R oughly on a notebook first and then fairing it out, Y ou and me and the whole world, with a pen they can printout. I nk and paper are their best friends, as they always keep them w

World Environment Day

Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. Today I am back again with a new blog of mine in which I am going to describe the importance of maintaining a good, healthy and hygienic environment.  "Nature will always keep on giving you something as per your deeds at every step of life. If you will be good towards nature then the nature will give you nourishment, if you won't be the same then the nature too will give you harassment."                                                                                                   - Vatsala Shukla Yes, it's true that the nature has the capability to ruin all of us. Humans should know that they are nothing in front of nature. After all, he came from the nature not the nature from him. If humans will destroy the nature then the the nature too will destroy him. We don't have the capability to collapse the earth but the nature has to collapse us. As we all know that yesterday we celebrated World Environment Day.

The Unsinkable Ship

Hello friends! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. Today I am back again with a new self composed poem of mine which is based on the Unsinkable Ship, as it was called, Titanic, which sank on its very first voyage. And ya! I am really sorry that I didn't upload any blog last Sunday as I was busy preparing for my tests and I couldn't get enough time to compose a new poem. That's why I will be throwing a bonus blog next to next week. So stay tuned. So, let's see how the Unsinkable Ship sank on its very first voyage through the medium of this poem composed by me. Long ago in Belfast A ship called Titanic was made, People thought it to be unsinkable And boarded it unafraid. Rich, poor or middle class All just wanted to run To the port where it departed On 10th April from Southampton. Total it had nine decks And each was royal to live, And those who were the food lovers Went to the restaurant in collective.  It made its pleasant voyage For four successive days, But wh