World Environment Day

Hey guys! Welcome back to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. Today I am back again with a new blog of mine in which I am going to describe the importance of maintaining a good, healthy and hygienic environment. 

"Nature will always keep on giving you something as per your deeds at every step of life. If you will be good towards nature then the nature will give you nourishment, if you won't be the same then the nature too will give you harassment." 
                                                - Vatsala Shukla

Yes, it's true that the nature has the capability to ruin all of us. Humans should know that they are nothing in front of nature. After all, he came from the nature not the nature from him. If humans will destroy the nature then the the nature too will destroy him. We don't have the capability to collapse the earth but the nature has to collapse us. As we all know that yesterday we celebrated World Environment Day. You all must have seen people on your facebook, twitter or insta account posting pictures planting trees showing their love and devotion towards nature. But can you see the same today also. The anwer is absolutely no. Should it be only about one day to plant trees or should it be our daily habit, if not to plant the trees then to nurture the existing trees. It's not just about trees but air, water, land and everything. If we are a responsible human then we should understand our responsibility towards mother nature. If we won't change ourselves today then the upcoming days might be fatal. I would like to end up saying-

"Cutting trees for technological purpose will slowly lead mankind to an end whereas planting a new tree and nurturing it every day will give a new birth to it."

                                             - Vatsala Shukla


  1. Yes! We have experienced that nature has the power to build and destroy everything. Well written ❤


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