Happy Father's day

"A father will never show you his tears so that you stay strong and learn to cope with the hardest problems of life smilling."
                                             - Vatsala Shukla

A father loves his child more than infinity. The biggest fool of the world is the person who thinks that he can repay his father for the favours he has done. If anyone ever asks me about the person who taught me how to stand after every time I fall then I will surely take the name of my father. A mother will surely fight for her child first and then will teach her child how to fight but a father will never fight for his child until it's very serious instead he will teach his child how to fight from the world for his rights. A father is very soft hearted but he shows that he is steel hearted so that his child never adopt bad habits. A father cries every time in a corner when he beats or scolds you for some of your deeds as he too has a heart which melts away on the sight of the crying face of his child. One of the finest creations of the god is a father and the finest creation of the god for a father is his child. At last I would like to wish my father and all the loving Fathers of this world ' A very happy father's day!'
I would like to end up saying-
" पिता जैसा त्याग इस दुनिया मे और कौन करना चाहता है,
पिता ही तो वो इंसान है जो स्वयं ही अपनी संतानों से हारना चाहता है।"
                                                - Vatsala Shukla


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