The Predicament Of Humans

Hey guys! Welcome to Vatsala Shukla's blogs. Today I am here to spread awareness towards a very serious topic i.e the Predicament which means the exploitation of humanity. 

Nowadays, the people are suffering for Oxygen, not just the patients of corona but the fit and healthy people too lack fresh air as it was before. The situation is as thus not just with air but also with water. Air and water, which are the two most precious gifts of nature, are being sold in some man-made containers. But who is responsible for all this? Of course it's no other creature but human. Yes, it's only a human who can harm his own mother  for his profit. If we look back into the early days of the past century then we will find that the earth was a very pleasant place to live in. There were shade of trees not that of buildings, there was fresh water from rivers not that from waste water treatment plant and there was pure oxygen from atmosphere not from oxygen cylinder. The people lived together in the lap of nature, the children enjoyed climbing up the trees which no more exist in modern areas and they swam in the river water which is no more fresh and clean. Will that time ever be able to come back? Yes! It surely can. If the humans become responsible towards nature as they were before then the earth will surely become a heaven again. All this depend completely upon humans. If we want to enjoy the nature then we will have to work together for it. Let's come forward and take a pledge that we will never pollute our mother earth instead we will together work for its betterment.

So that was all about my today's blog. I will be posting my self composed poem in my next blog. So please suggest me some topic in the comment section.
Hope you all liked my today's blog.
Thanks for reading it. ☺️☺️
Bye!! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹


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